…As Induction Begins From May 7-20
By SouthernVoicenews
As the 10th Senate is inaugurated on June 13th, there are glaring indications that the first timers fondly referred to as green-horns Senators-elect would occupy large percentage seats in the upper chamber of the National Assembly.

A survey carried by thus medium reveals that Senators-elect drawn from the 36 states of the Federation and FCT Abuja are mainly green horns parliamentarians in legislative experience.
While few of them were former state governors, others were either captains of industries, business tycoons and legal luminaries, while the others had either held legislative positions at the state levels.

Recently, the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, said
that the National Assembly
will have to spend so much on
capacity building for members
of the incoming 10th National
Assembly for efficient and
effective service delivery.
Lawan said there should be provisions for capacity building especially for the new members of the 10th Assembly to achieve the set goals and targets, adding that only about 30% of the nineth assembly senators would be making it to the 10th senate, when inaugurated in June.
The Senate president, who spoke while receiving 2020,
2021 and 2022 annual reports
of the activities of the National
Assembly Service Commission
said, “What is critical to us is
what happens when we leave.
Everybody knows the turnover rate has been very costly and this
is without prejudice.
“Costly in the sense that when you have only about 30
percent of members of the ninth
National Assembly going to the
10th Assembly, know that you
have lost capacity. You have lost
experience. You have lost skills,
enterprise and so on and so
forth. These are traits that you
need to hit the ground so forth.

“And I use the word costly deliberately because what this means is that, the 10th Assembly, we must make provisions immediately for capacity building for new members of the National
Assembly If we want to achieve
our goals and set targets.”
Lawan added, “Everybody is enthusiastic. Everybody is ready.
We want to come in and continue to contribute to making Nigeria better. But theparliament is not like the executive.
A glance at the release of successful candidates that will
make the 109 senators of the
10th Senate at the just concluded
2023 National Assembly polls
by the Independent National
Electoral Commission ( INEC)
and made available to National
Assembly Clerk shows as follows:
The composition of the 10th Senate reveals that of the 109 membership of Senators -elect, over 40 of them are green horns. Top among them were 13 serving and ex- governor’s